Working with projects

Installing/uninstalling conda packages

You can use the commands

r3s install <packages>


r3s uninstall <packages>

To install/uninstall conda packages in you resolos project's linked conda environment. You need to be inside a resolos project to be able to call the above commands.

If there is only one remote defined, the above command will also try to install/uninstall the packes on the remote. In case you have more than one remote defined, you can specify the remote with the --remote <remote_id> option or use the --all-remotes flag to install to all remotes in sequence. Please check the command reference for detailed usage.

Syncing environments

In an ideal setup, you perform the following steps in order:

  1. Configure remote(s)
  2. Create new project(s)
  3. Install/uninstall packages with res install ...

If you have initialized your resolos project with an external conda environment, or if you have installed packages externally into your resolos conda environment, you'll need to do a full sync of the environments with the command

r3s sync -r <remote_id> --env

Note that the above command will perform a two-way sync for the project files but a one way sync for the environments (packages installed on the local env will get installed on the remote environment as well).

Running remote jobs

If your remote has a Slurm job scheduler, you can manage Slurm jobs directly with rsesolos. In all the examples below, remote_id can be omitted in case there is only one remote defined.

Running jobs

You can run simple jobs with r3s job run:

r3s job -r <remote_id> run "python"

You can specify the GPU resources you need with the --gpus option:

r3s job -r <remote_id> run --gpus=1  "python"

If you want to fine-tune the submission details, you may create a Slurm submission script first, and use

r3s job -r <remote_id> submit my_submission_script.sbatch

Listing jobs

Use the r3s job list command to list your jobs running on the remote.

r3s job -r <remote_id> list

Getting job details

The r3s job status command will get you more details about your job.

r3s job -r <remote_id> status <job_id>

Cancelling a job

You can use the r3s job cancel command to cancel a job:

r3s job -r <remote_id> cancel <job_id>